Buffy sends Angel to hell in order to save the world. Under Twilight's influence, Angel murders Rupert Giles. [97] He helped Buffy in her fight against Caleb, but she insisted that she finish it on her own. [2] Due to his advanced age, however, he was considerably more powerful than an average vampire; for example, he was able to run at such speeds that he appeared to teleport several meters,[42][159][70][92], was strong enough that he could lift up a heavy security gate[87], survive explosions and falls from skyscrapers with little injury,[78][39][70] and withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight and holy items to no ill effect. Faith proclaimed Drusilla to be a mess, and although Angel openly agreed with her, he made the closing statement: "But before she met me, she was beautiful. [23] Angel managed to reason with him, causing Whistler to give up his life by sacrificing himself. After finding a young woman named Judy Kovacs hiding in his room, Angel tried to preserve his isolation, first by disarming and removing the man chasing her, then by ejecting Judy. [citationneeded]. Angel takes a secondary role in Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 12, serving mostly as support for Buffy in her big fight against the future. Drusilla then offered to remove his suffering. [52], Angel then murdered Jenny, which served him in two ways. The destruction of a human being. Filled with a new purpose in life, Angel resolved to help the Slayer,[12] with whom he had fallen in love. Maggie Walsh. [111] However, last-minute encouragement from Connor inspired him to keep fighting,[117] and Angel's friends healed his injuries, but at the same time, Gunn caused Illyria to revert to her true form. It's my destiny." [citationneeded], Later, when Faith returned to the apartment after spending several hours in Brixton with her fellow Slayers, she openly questioned Angel about his time under the guise of the masked Twilight. [citationneeded], Despite his stubbornness, Angel could be impressionable and easily swayed by the thought of destiny. Angel reminisced about the moment he'd first laid eyes on Drusilla over a century ago. Angel phones Buffy but does not speak when she answers. The most frequent cases of him showing this side of himself stem from Buffy's other romantic relationships, most notably Riley[63][64] and Spike to a greater extent. This time, Whistler was convinced and told him he wanted to help despite the cost. With this, Holtz abandoned his hunt and retired to York until 1774, when a demon named Sahjhan offered to take him to the future in exchange for his promise to kill Angel and Darla in the future. They are attacked by a Mohra demon; when Angel kills the demon he is restored to life by its powerful blood. [31] During the two times he lost his soul, Angel regularly exploited his knowledge of his past allies to play on their weaknesses, such as Buffy's insecurities about her sexual performance after losing her virginity,[50] Xander's crush on Buffy with the knowledge that Angel got to her first,[179] mentioning Wesley's affair with Lilah so Fred could hear it,[176] revealing his knowledge that Gunn and Fred killed Professor Seidel,[176] and taunting Connor about the deaths of Holtz and Darla. Angel struggled briefly with the urge to continue feeding on her; startled and frightened, he instructed that Faith kill him. He also warned her that, if they survived the ordeal, he would leave without saying goodbye. Still, she could not control herself, and transformed into "Dark Willow." [31] A spell had been cast before the Beast's arrival which erased all reference to it in this dimension, with Angelus being immune because he technically didn't exist anymore when the spell was cast. [141], Angel prepared to set up Giles' resurrection with a special incantation he found, intending to use Alasdair's artifacts as well. [96], Soon after the events in Los Angeles, Angel traveled to Sunnydale to give Buffy an amulet he had obtained from Wolfram & Hart. Faith defeated Angel but when she refused to kill him, he regained the upper hand and drank from the Slayer, who had injected herself with the Orpheus drug. Angel would even indirectly kill several human lawyers of Wolfram & Hart by locking them in a room at the mercy of Drusilla and Darla in his obsession to take them down. With his body healed, Angel, using various spells and enchantments to provide himself with his vampiric abilities, began patrolling the hell-ridden city with the dragon Cordelia, rescuing citizens and sending them, anonymously, to a safe-house run by Connor, Nina, and Gwen Raiden. [104], Angel was later reunited with his son, Connor, when the latter was forced to fulfill his destiny by killing the demon Sahjhan. [152] He also refused Drusilla's offer to remove his pain with her Lorophage demon because he felt that his guilt drove him to do good and kept Angelus at bay. Whistler then told him that before the Seed of Wonder had been destroyed, he had experienced one final vision, relaying a horrid possible future. Wolfram & Hart then summoned Drusilla,[67] who turned Darla into a vampire again. This was made most obvious through his interactions with Connor, Cordelia, and Buffy. [110] The dragon took Angel back to W&H, where he relied on neo-primitive healing salves and incantations to repair his broken body. The precise source and limit of his new abilities were unknown, but he survived having a tree thrown at him without any apparent side-effects, the tree simply splintering off his chest. Motorist skills: Angel could drive and had a good eye for cars, owning a black 1967 Plymouth GTX and a Dodge Viper, along with an entire garage full of other cars as W&H CEO. After being kicked out of the bar for fighting,[11] he followed the woman the vampire Darla into an alleyway, where she promised to show him a whole new world then sired him. [13], 1890: Angelus attended a production of Giselle by the Blinnikov World Ballet Corps, a Russian ballet troupe run by Count Kurskov. Eventually, the trio retreated when they got what they wanted. Angel killed the boy and recognized Buffy, being able to then say her name again.[54]. [45], Both times he was soulless, Angel resented many of the habits he had with a soul and was disgusted by them, such as his love for Buffy,[50] his loyalty and compassion towards his teammates in Angel Investigations,[citationneeded] and his twenty-year period of feeding on rat blood after drinking from a murder victim. When he realized how much William cared for Drusilla, Angelus had sex with her just to hurt him and teach him a lesson, an action William would never forgive. People who have annoyed him most include Spike, Xander, and Harmony. That was everything to me. [citationneeded] Additionally, Angel beat Spike on numerous occasions,[citationneeded] only losing to his protg once in their century plus association. [40] The first time he was cursed, Angel spent some time trying to act like he used to, well enough to deceive Drusilla and Spike that he was still the same vampire during their brief encounter. After the robber shot the employee and fled, Angel stayed with the man as he died. While getting into another argument with Spike, it was interrupted when Faith received an unexpected call from Buffy back in San Francisco. Angel fighting vampires during the graduation battle. During the battle, Angel commanded a small number of fighters to surround the Mayor's vampire henchmen. "[13] However, while he was soulless, Buffy's claimed that he was "not Angel," so he responded: "Wrong. "[141], Angel also felt as if these two separate personas struggled within his mind for control. Whistler absorbed the magic into his own body so no one would get hurt, but the price was his death. For other uses, see. In the episode "I Will Remember You," Angel becomes human, much to his and Buffy's emotional and physical satisfaction. It wasn't until the episode "Angel" in Buffy season 1 that the series finally settled on Angel being a vampire with a soul. He inculpated Whistler for allowing so many people to die for his cause, and for manipulating both him and Buffy in the past. Though he ran afoul of Riley and the Initiative in the process, he managed to get to Buffy and apologize, who also apologized for butting into his life, and Angel departed after informing Buffy that he didn't like Riley, much to Buffy's amusement. "[50] In addition, in the two times he defeated Eyghon, Angel counted with the aid of his inner demon as a separate entity in the fight;[177] this evil persona was referred to as "Angelus" in the second time,[140] when Spike explained: "Not sure you can call Angelus a 'being,' really. Angel was kept in chains, but he eventually broke out and to help Buffy against the violent Pete. Both of them had lost their memories of her since she was losing her magical essence due to the loss of magic, so Angel and Faith would be the first to forget her since they interacted little with her.[23]. Darla visited his grave, where he had his first taste of blood when a groundskeeper caught them and accused them of being grave robbers. white avenger said: I thought that Wes was the only one that Angel ever told about that When did he tell Wes? Sadly, at the end of the series, Buffy did not end up with Angel, or anyone at all. "I'll . His mission was complicated by the deaths of the Demon Lords who had taken control over areas of Los Angeles. This episode, in which Angel relinquishes the chance to have a normal, happy life with Buffy in order to "fulfill his penance," perfectly typifies Angel's character and fate, says Beagle. Before leaving, he gave Buffy a Claddagh ring for her seventeenth birthday, a traditional courting gift in Ireland. [135], Surprised by the revelation of Whistler's background, Angel became more sympathetic. Angel quickly surmised that Eyghon the Sleepwalker had possessed Ethan Rayne during the funeral, and had begun possessing Giles' body since. An ensouled Angelus follows Darla to China in 1900. "[8][9], Enhanced vampire abilities: Angel had the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire; he was immortal, regenerated damage, possessed superhuman physical attributes, and had heightened senses, able to track people by scent alone. "[2] After his first meeting with Buffy, which left her with a bad impression, she still described him as "gorgeous,"[47] calling him a "honey," claiming most girls would find him attractive "if they [had] eyes," describing him as a "hunk," and saying that his eyes were "penetrating. [158], Angel admitted to hating the stereotype that vampires sleep in coffins during the day; when asked why he wasn't sleeping in a coffin, Angel explained that the idea of sleeping in coffins originated from "ignorant media" and that vampires were perfectly capable of operating during the day as long as they avoid exposure to direct sunlight. "[100], Angel was also an excellent sketch artist[citationneeded] and possessed a photographic memory that he used to his advantage. [36] Following Darla being sired by Drusilla, a cold, ruthless and driven Angel was shown to have single-handedly defeated around twenty vampires and demons in one fight. Angel and Faith successfully restore a corpse using the Crown of Coils. However, the Wolfram & Hart building had mysteriously vanished from existence, and everybody remembered their time in Hell, making Angel and his allies city-wide celebrities recognized for their heroism. As Giles used his knowledge and experience to pinpoint the location of Whistler, Pearl, and Nash, they set out to oppose them after coming to a consensus that not all of them would make it out alive in the battle. [136], Fed up with her problems with her Slayers, Faith lost patience and blamed Angel for her fellows' lack of trust in her. Angry and stricken by grief, Nadira attacked Angel, and threatened him. However, after meeting with Nadira whose magical mutation had stabilized and who appeared to possess some insight into the workings of "Magic Town" Angel began to work with her, her insights directing him to locations where he could do specific good, such as preventing Pearl acquiring bottled magic. In response to Darla's assertion, Liam set about slaughtering his entire village. When Amy Madison approached him for help to resurrect Warren, Angel initially contemplated accepting the request due to his role in Warren's death, but when Amy revealed that her true plan was to lure Willow to London so that she could get revenge, Angel instead confronted her with Nadira, whose innate sympathy with the magic of Magic Town allowed her to turn Amy's traps back on herself and turn Amy into a rat. After their first case, however, Wesley was eager to stay and assist Angel and Cordelia, who had inherited the visions from the Powers that Be from Doyle, in their mission. Buffy was born to Hank and Joyce Summers on January 19, 1981, [17] [18] in Los Angeles, California. He also possessed a high pain tolerance, able to withstand prolonged periods of torture without succumbing.[183]. ", May, 1764: Angelus and Darla killed the wife and infant son of vampire hunter Daniel Holtz, and turned his young daughter into a vampire, forcing him to destroy her. After the two were forced to realize their limitations as a couple,[15] Angel left Buffy and moved to Los Angeles. Accepting this, Angel returned to Los Angeles to prepare the second front, hoping he would not have to use it, and told Buffy, "I ain't getting any older. Angelus returns and taunts from within his cage. In gratitude for helping him, Angel gave Spike Harmony's phone number. [2] He showed himself to the Slayer in an alley, at which time he warned her about the Harvest and gave her a silver cross. He worried constantly what people would think of him, and was reluctant to drink blood around his friends. Faith found him, and asked him how he intended to resurrect someone who had died a natural death. [121] With governments and demons fearful of the new Slayers created by Buffy and plotting to destroy them, Angel was approached by Whistler, the very same demon who originally put him on his heroic path, and the higher power itself, who presented him with numerous possible future scenarios, those of which that depict Angel fighting alongside Buffy, ending with both of them dying in battle, and insisted that the only way for Angel to save them both was to fight against Buffy,[122] stating that if Angel did not do so, the entire world would go to Hell like Los Angeles did.[22]. However, Angel was spared when Buffy saved his life and prevented her friend from killing him. As planned, the Senior Partners reset the timeline to the last point Angel was alive, the moment before Los Angeles was sent to Hell. [47] Though they had a mutual attraction, Buffy was not aware of Angel's vampiric nature until several weeks after their first meeting. Eventually, Nadira arrived and while she was still in no way forgiving of Angel, she seemed to acknowledge that he was not the "true" bad guy, instead launching herself at Nash for her revenge. [26], 1789: A lone Angelus encountered the Beast in Prussia, standing in a field of bodies. BUFFY has made a comeback on streaming platforms such as Prime Video and All 4, and it was followed by a spin-off series, Angel. [citationneeded], Psychic connection: Angel displayed a psychic connection to those he had sired on at least one occasion. [citationneeded]. So, Angel sets out with Doyle to kill the demon, without Buffy's much-needed supernatural assistance. "[50], The distinction between his states with and without a soul was sometimes referred as separate entities. After these events, Angel went underground until the war was over. The Beast sought Angelus' aid in killing the Svear Priestesses, a group who wished to banish the Beast, whom he could not kill himself. After The Oracles a link to The Powers That Be confirm he is human again, Angel and Buffy spend a blissful night together. Willow allowed him to take the fragment of Giles' soul from the Scythe, and he, Faith, and Connor returned to Los Angeles while Willow and Connor's worshipers escaped to the World Without Shrimp.[134]. They consent, and time is set back twenty four hours despite a heartbroken Buffy begging Angel to remain human before the Mohra demon is killed, with only Angel as a witness to the night he and Buffy shared in the erased timeline. In addition to his proficiency in many forms of martial arts, he mastered many varieties of weapons, favoring broadswords and sometimes axes. [citationneeded] After having been possessed by Twilight he came to believe that redemption would be impossible because of all the damage he had caused with a soul and without. [citationneeded], Angel's viewpoints on battling evil was often seen as mostly realistic and cynical. [27], A few months later, Angel was released from this hell dimension,[53] reappearing in his mansion in a feral state. [citationneeded] The notable exceptions to this rule were when Angel wore a Hawaiian shirt while undercover,[4] a cream pullover identical to his darker ones to make a customer more comfortable,[3] an uncharacteristic white and yellow striped dress shirt while under Jasmine's thrall and a loud Italian sports jacket[39] (although this last was only because his usual clothes were damaged by a bomb planted by the Immortal and there was nothing else available for him to wear).